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Jennifer Niño, creator of

It’s been almost 8 years since I started creating materials, creating a page, and learning about a hundred thousand things (WordPress, Plug Ins, Updates, Hosting, etc.). When I started, I thought it was going to be something easy to handle and that it would take about a couple of hours a week.

Today, after eight years, I know that managing a page like is a lot of work.

I’m not complaining though. In these eight years, I have learned things that without this page I wouldn’t have learned. There have also been many hours of frustration or not knowing if I was doing things right or wrong. And I think that more than one entrepreneur-teacher knows it.

And this year I couldn’t take it anymore. So I had to do something difficult, but that I don’t regret. Searching and asking around I found Montse from

She has gotten me out of more than one bind and has supported me more than I expected. So she wanted to support her work and introduce her to my community. Because her work is gold.

I really mean it!

This testimonial was originally published on LinkedIn.

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